Leadership is unlike any other class. Each day
presents new challenges as we navigate the
fast paced school year filled with events.
Since Leadership meets as a 0 period class,
we come together every morning, ensuring
we stay on track and connected, even on days
when we wouldn’t meet under a block sched-
ule. This daily interaction allows us to collab-
orate consistently, keeping everyone aligned
with upcoming events and responsibilities.
The class operates through event groups, with
each group focused on a specific school event.
Examples include the Prom Committee, Win-
ter Rally Group, Homecoming Committee,
and Wellness Week Group. However, when
a major event approaches, it becomes an “all
hands on deck” situation. For instance, on ral-
ly days, every student in Leadership contrib-
utes, whether by setting up, cleaning, working
games, or hosting the event as an MC, which
ensures that things run smoothly.
Leadership also contains a student govern-
ment. Students have the opportunity to run for
class officer or ASB officer positions. Class of-
ficers manage responsibilities for their classes
(e.g., Class of 2025), while ASB officers over-
see matters of the entire school. In addition to
hands-on work, the class includes weekly jour-
nal entries and personal reflections, creating
both individual growth and accountability.
Every Wednesday, Leadership holds an ASB
discussion led by the ASB President. These
meetings cover expenditures, fundraisers, do-
nations, deposits, and other financial matters,
giving students the opportunity to vote on bud-
get decisions and discuss ways to improve the
Beyond the classroom, Leadership students
take on responsibilities such as managing gates
at sports events like football and water polo,
raising funds to support school programs. Ad-
ditionally, a few students from the class repre-
sent our school at ILC (International Leader-
ship Corps) meetings at the district office each
month. These meetings allow us to learn from
other schools and bring back ideas to enhance
our own campus.