Whether they are scientists, CEOS, politicians, or mothers, women have shaped the world we live in. They give so much to our society, although are oftentimes overlooked. March is the month when we get to celebrate all that women do for us, reflect on their struggles, and honor their incredible achievements. There are female role models everywhere whether it is a mother, grandmother, aunt, girlfriend, or other mentors. Willow Glen High School is filled with successful women who have a great impact on society.
Recognizing the importance of women role models is the first step that is needed to break the barrier between gender inequalities and stereotypes. Women carry something special about themselves that many forget to recognize. They have a unique ability to balance being vulnerable with their feelings as well as being strong, especially mothers. Mothers are an inspiration to many and have many traits such as “her strength and how loving [they are],” says Megan O’Conner (‘25) when describing her mom. The compassion and empathy that women provide are what makes their impact so prominent. Although mothers have a major impact, they are not the only women role models who are appreciated. O’Conner mentions that another influential woman in her life is her older sister. She explains that her sister Hannah is “really inspiring [such] as the drive and passion she has for school and the work she does.” As we move forward in society, it is important to have everyone acknowledge the strength and compassion that women provide.
As March marks the start of Women’s History Month, many reflect on the importance of its existence. It is crucial to celebrate as “right now our country’s at a time of intense division between not only sexes but races [and] the LGBTQ community as well,” says Lola Herning (‘25). Herning explains that, “celebrating our differences helps combat that division.” This commemoration helps inspire future generations to remember the women who came before them and to work with one another instead of focusing on one’s differences. It encourages young women to use their voice and ultimately, pursue their passions. Womens History Month not only acknowledges the powerful things that women can do, but also “reminds young girls like me who sometimes forget how much women can achieve,” says Kylie Resz (‘29) when discussing the importance of the month. Many women seek guidance from other women and should be able to use this month as a foundation of inspiration for younger generations. The reason that this month is significant is “because there has been so much inequality in the past and so many social norms made against women,” explains Marcos Guerrero, a passionate ally (‘25). “It has been hard to recover from that stigma and it is good to have a month to reflect on everything in history and to have that moment to change our views.” It is especially important for everyone to realize the impact that women have on our society. Hearing from not only women advocates, but males as well is crucial when striving to reach equality. The only way there can be a change in the current norms is if all people recognize the inequalities faced by women and strive to make a difference.
Women’s History Month serves as a powerful reminder of all that women have accomplished, and continue to accomplish, in every aspect of society. Women shape our world in profound ways and deserve to be honored for their achievements. By celebrating women’s accomplishments and reflecting on the challenges they have faced, we inspire future generations to pursue their passions and be loud with their voices.