Sillicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE) is a high school program involving STEM which offers 25 courses that help pupils get ready for college and their future careers. Upon asking SVCTE participants if they would recommend SVCTE based on personal experience and this is what they said.
Jon Monsivais is a senior who has been doing SVCTE for 2 years now. He has participated in many programs and upon asking if he had any advice for incoming SVCTE participants he stated “Do it, take it, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity where you learn a lot and meet new people”
Luis Ayala took SVCTE his junior year of high-school for electrical maintenance. Now a senior in high school, he 100% recommends the program for any, if all students.
Overall SVCTE is a great program recommended by all students looking to get ahead in a potential career choice or simply looking for new opportunities