As the end of the first semester is getting close, the familiar feeling of stress over studying and homework assignments has returned. As finals are approaching fast, most students are already stressed with the build-up of assignments and are trying to keep up. Whether they’re a senior working to finish strong or a freshman still figuring high school out, the pressure that most might feel from parents and teachers is hard to live up to.
As finals are approaching, it is crucial to remember that taking breaks, especially getting enough sleep, is very beneficial for your mental and physical health. Although staying up late at night might be tempting, rest for the body and brain is the key to performing well and also functioning properly. When studying hard for finals, it is important to go at your own pace in order to manage stress. Studying and cramming in assignments for long hours can emotionally, physically, and mentally have a negative impact on students. Taking frequent breaks helps avoid exhaustion, giving students more energy which may decrease stress.
It’s extremely common that many students feel pressured and overwhelmed by the amount of topics they have to cover. Each subject alone is already stressful to manage, but having to study for multiple, if not, all of your subjects will dig a deeper hole. Studying by itself is not the only challenging thing, but it’s also essential that students must memorize all the material which adds to the stress. It’s difficult to remember the important topics when switching from subject to subject, while in a time crunch. The anxiety of not being able to comprehend certain topics or failing to remember key principles can feel overwhelming.
It is draining for many when trying to maintain their mental health, stress, and grades all at once. Especially when having to put in so much time and effort to do well on finals, which also determines the semester grade. Doing academically well in school in order to get academic validation builds up the anxiety, which may make it seem like the stress is neverending.