With the variety of snacks that are convenient to get, the student store is an integral part of Willow Glen High School. The store makes it easy for some students to grab a little more than just what is in their lunch, and nearly everyone at WGHS has either visited or knows about it. However, some aspects of the student store exist that even the most frequent patrons don’t know about.
Every student that attends the student store has their own unique experience when they visit. The array of choices that they offer attracts many different people to the store. Each individual has their main things that they get when they go, as Noah Talley (‘27) stated, “I love me a good Bubly, so [I] 100% get the sparkling drinks.” Additionally, the student store offers more than just drinks; chips and snacks are also sold, and for some people that’s their go-to piece to buy with Hot Cheetos being the most purchased item. “My favorite item is the chips,” explains Leo Gomez (‘25). With it being located in the center of school, it makes it easy and convenient to get snacks quickly. The ease of accessibility is a common component at the school that is agreed upon. Senior Sam Stensham agrees, voicing, “Their small snacks are cheap and easy to get when you’re hungry.” Another appeal of the store is the person who runs it, Mrs. Sharon Robinson, who is loved by all her visitors. As Sophomore Marley Lipps says, “She is super nice.” Many students who have gone have developed a close relationship with her. As Talley states, “Mrs. Sharon [Robinson] and I are really close. I’ve known her for about a year and a half now.” Many students have a positive experience when they make a visit to the store. Furthermore, Mrs. Robinson says she’s “a people person” and “love[s] being in charge of the student store.” Unsurprisingly, the student store’s welcoming atmosphere creates bonds within our school community.
Mrs. Robinson says she “get[s] along with all the students” and “make[s] jokes” with them when they come into her store. The jokes must be good, as Mrs. Robinson reports that around 70 to 80 students come in per day to purchase items. With these frequent visitors, the store consistently brings in money. Mrs. Robinson says that sometimes the student store grosses over $170 in a day, and that on the day of our interview with her it had earned 141 dollars.
Not only is Mrs. Sharon Robinson an amazing manager of the student store, but she also runs the student bank. She shared her process and experiences with us, mentioning the students who frequent the store and her interactions with them. Sharon files and keeps track of all money going in and out of WGHS. These include donations, three fundraisers, rentals, ad revenue, and more. Who does all of the work to process it through our school’s complicated system.
Many parts of the student store keep people coming back for more. Overall, the convenience of it makes it easy for students to acquire their favorite snacks and drinks. Additionally, it’s a chance to interact with Mrs. Robinson, who finds the time to have meaningful conversations and connections with the students who go.